Below are (not very good) photos of snow capped mountains as seen from
The Ancient One's car as he was driving down Hawthorne Boulevard this morning from
Palos Verdes to Torrance. I present them because they represent one of the things I love about living in the L.A. area at this time of year. While the mountains generally are no even visible, in the days following a good rain all is clear, sometimes spectacularly so.
Oh how I wish I could have taken these from my camera rather than the cell phone. But of you squint hard enough, you to might be able to enjoy the vista.

I do like my snow at some distance. In this case it is probably about 60 miles away.
That must have been just around daybreak Leon? I was looking at the color of the sky in those pics. :)
Hi Eric. It was about 8:45am PST. :-)
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