Sunday, August 10, 2008

Oh, What An Opening @ CCPT!

It was a wonderful opening weekend for To Kill a Mockingbird at Culver City Public Theatre (CCPT). Our 1st performance went well with a few of the usual opening glitches but very few in the audience had any idea of where lines or cues were missed. The Ancient One got a bit twisted with one Judge Taylor's lines but was able to extricate himself in a semi-graceful way.

Today's performance was far better. The actors had high energy and the large audience seemed to be transfixed by what they were watching. Eric Billitzer, as Sheriff Heck Tate, did a bit of brilliant improvisation at one point when fire engine sirens screamed a block away at the same time a large (and loud) jet flew directly overhead. Afterwards, one audience member declared it was the best performance she had seen in Carlson Park since the 1st play she had seen there in 1996. (Okay, I confess, the comment came from the Ancient One's Wife Donna. But she does not give that kind of high praise very often.)

Obviously, the judge could not take pictures, but his camera was in the capable hands of Heidi Dotson on Saturday and she snapped away. A sampling of the results follows:

Those are all that I'll post now! I hope to add captions plu pictures from other photographers later. AT least these give a flavor of opening weekend. Enjoy!


Eric Valentine said...

Congrats on another successful performance Leon.

Great looking pictures .. Hire that photographer my friend!.. ;D

Leon said...

I will hire her ERIC although I have to give my camera a little bit of the credit. Otherwise, it will turn against me! :~D

millie garfield said...

What an ambitious play to produce and perform in. I salute you Judge Taylor!!

I found what you said about the opening night and the following night very interesting.

I often wonder what it would be like to see the same play, one day after the other - to see how they differ. The actors could be different and how the audience effects the players.

Now that the play is over - I see you have time for some sightseeing in the neigborhood. ;-)