Thursday, June 7, 2007

Starting to Take Shape. . . (CCPT)

More blocking tonight! I was only called for the King Midas rehearsal and we got a
lot done. Tonight I had scenes with the Princess, Silenus, Friculous, Fraculous and Verboseous. As more scenes get blocked the play is beginning to take shape. And you can see the actors "trying on" and beginning to inhabit their characters. It is truly an exciting process to watch. The photo below (sorry about the lighting) was taken as the opening of the first scene was being set-up.

From left: Bethany Hilliard (Friculous) and Sharon Savene (Fraculous)

When I finished my work on Midas, I stopped by the Much Ado About Nothing rehearsal and got the below photo.

From left: Jim Felton (Benedick), Director Ken MacFarlane's back and Susan Odom (Margaret)

In case I haven't mentioned it before, CCPT rehearsals are held at the Veterans' Memorial Building in Culver City. Weekend rehearsals in the Carlson Park performance space will start the last weekend of June. We also have a storage area at the park and Saturday will be the load-in; opening the space and sorting everything in preparation for the season.

1 comment:

Rod said...

Great idea taking pictures of the rehearsal process for the plays! I'm counting on you to document things - so I don't have to! :-)
